So you're probably wondering, now what happens after a class is created and the students start earning awards. In our class, once a student gets 5 points, he/she gets to play on the iPad for the day. It can also be free choice from a choiceboard. Students can also be entered in a monthly raffle or choose a prize from the prize box.
We also use Class Dojo to account for homework. We created a new class and changed all the negative awards to missing reading log, missing vocabulary, missing math hw, etc. We changed the positive awards to makeup. If a student doesn't have any points then he/she has a clean homework record and gets to enter into a monthly raffle. If he or she receives three negative points, a note is sent home and he/she might have to miss Fun Friday or recess to do makeup.
Class Dojo is a great behavioral management tool and is highly recommended for any classroom. A feature I like to use when I'm torn between choosing a student during classroom discussions or a volunteer is "randomly select," it's similar to picking a name out of a jar but digitally. How awesome is that! The added sound effect for point up *ding and point minus *doom are a bonus too. Don't forget to turn those speakers on. It gets the students' attention and right on task. What a useful and effective tool! Thank you, Class Dojo.